
Scaling Locations: VSKP In Action

Dave Yuan Founder and Partner, Tidemark

Richard Son Investor, Tidemark

If you occupy the control point and scale locations, you’ll Win the Category. 

When Dave penned his first essay on Vertical SaaS back in 2020, he described scaling locations as:

  • Build a great product (and service)
  • Over time, build an efficient and repeatable go-to-market model 
  • And then add capital and execution to press your advantage against sluggish incumbents or poorly capitalized competitors    

We all know, however, that scaling locations is a knife fight. Strategy, tactics, intelligence, and force of will all play a role in victory. The journey to scale can be isolating and lonely. To share the wisdom of those who have walked this path before and to build a community of peers undertaking a similar task, Tidemark is excited to announce the launch of the Vertical SaaS Knowledge Project (VSKP) In Action.

‍The VSKP In Action series is a quarterly deep-dive series led by top industry leaders (many of whom are also Tidemark Fellows) engineered to build a community of trust among non-competitive peer operators so that they can compare tactics and strategies, and ultimately make each other stronger.

The series will follow the VSKP framework:  Win, Expand, and Extend. Building is hard, and these meet-ups are designed to accelerate the learning process by providing access to strategic and operating advice from world class executives. 

Sessions are by invitation and capped to 15 attendees from non-competitive companies to ensure positive group dynamics. As last minute spots open up, we will post to our twitter (@tidemarkcap) and LinkedIn pages.  Please follow us there.  ‍

Transcripts of past sessions are posted below as they become available.


GTM Chalk Talk with JV—Sales Strategy, Analytics, and Tactics with Jonathan Vassil, Chief Revenue Officer at Toast 

Revenue Operations


  • Product Driven Acquisition, Retention and Monetization. upcoming
  • TBA Q3 2022

  • Scaling Paid and Organic Acquisition. upcoming
  • TBA Q4 2022

Share your thoughts

We love the idea of bringing together a community to explore the boundaries of Vertical SaaS and are excited by what we can learn from each other. If you have thoughts or comments or want to get involved, reach out to us at If you would like to keep updated as we publish new content, sign up below.

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