2023 Tidemark VSaaS Legends
VSaaS Legends brings together the best Vertical SaaS executives who believe in the power of sharing ideas.
Our 2023 event was co-hosted by Aman Narang, the Founder and CEO of Toast, and Tim Barash, the CEO of Dutchie. A group of 25+ top operators joined us for a great day of learning with sessions including:
The Journey to $1B ARR with Aman Narang, Co-Founder and Incoming CEO of Toast
Everybody Loves AI with Rami Karabibar, Co-Founder and CEO of EvenUp
Getting Paid with Payroll with John Waldmann, Founder and CEO of Homebase
Mo’ Money, Mo’ Opportunity: Ads in Vertical SaaS with Tim Barash, CEO of Dutchie
Extending to Multi-Stakeholder with Chase Gilbert, Co-Founder and CEO of Built
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